Angel Investors

Angel Investors Funding

We are a strategic repository of Angel Investors, Venture Capitalist, Private Equity and Debt Providers interested in steering the future. Our proprietary Assessment and Funding Algorithm is the backbone of our approach and methodology. This rich data and predictive analysis concludes: “Entrepreneurs, Start-ups and SME (ESS) are the engines of economic growth”.  

These drivers are defined by the social and culture qualities they contribute to the marketplace. As a results these contributions are comprised by solving problems, innovation and job creation.

The existence of intellectual and human capital assets coupled with traditional assets are the vital ingredients GOFUNDYOU seeks to identify and nurture thus aligning capital and sustainable growth for its ESS target group.

The Fundamentals:

In this pursuit we designed a multi-dimensional Assessment tool reinforced with a qualification algorithm to carefully assess these key components while baselining GOFUNDYOU’s pre / post inoculation and funding programs. Its focal points are derived from four dimensions;

I. Risk Mitigation – Planning, measuring and controlling forecasts

II. Operational Coherence – Maximizing output with minimum inputs

III. Longitudinal Sustainability – Maintaining point of equilibrium under present and future conditions

IV. Intrinsic Value – Ensuring qualitative and quantitative attributes converge intrinsically to exceed extrinsic market values

Vital Ingredients:

Whether Venture Capital, Angel Investment or Debt Financing GOFUNDYOU’s investment criterion seeks to identify within your business model the following key questions and ingredients in order to attract money and above all show capital efficiency;

1. What problem does your solution impact or solve?

2. How can we measure the performance of that solution?

3. What is the added value the solution proffers in dollars and cents?

4. What is the current stage of the solution’s ability to deliver maximum and target result?

5. What is the investment amount and specific allocation?

Our Angel Investors offer organic growth with measurable success. Our Angel Investor criterion is diligently designed to support start-up and early stage companies seeking to build a solid foundation with a foreseeable future.

Consequently our Angel Investors process includes mentorship, strategy and predictive analytics to ensure each company maximizes their business objectives and fullest potential.