

GoFundYou’s product line is directly derived from our algorithmic frameworks and investment methodology.  These product lines are comprised of the fundamental steps and ingredients needed to attract funding, scale and achieve sustainable profit.

Building Blocks: identify and instilling what are the minimum fundamentals needed to achieve a successful system or process.

Equity: nurturing a foundation with vital ingredients to ensure its ascent yields fruits of value.

Sustainability: produce the binding agents and resilience to support the building blocks of a value system (e.g. community).

[Y]b: This product deals Soft Funding Evaluation, review of business concept, plan or deck

[Y]b evaluates and seeks to identity that your business concept has the minimum fundamentals needed for funding and successful.

[Y]b product closely examines your concept, product or business model through of series of proprietary metrics that identify percent levels of viability, sustainability and economic success.

The [Y]b evaluation is transcribed into a primer that summarizes findings, critical ingredients required (e.g. strategy) and the ideal road map to your project’s success.

[Y]b offers 2 email follow ups.



Reserve, execute NDA, submit business concept notes, plans, financials
Time: 5 Business Days
Fee: $150

[Y]e: This product offers a Comprehensive funding evaluation, review of business concept, plan or deck

[Y]e evaluates and seeks to identity that your business concept has the minimum fundamentals needed for funding and successful.

[Y]e product closely examines your concept, product or business model through of series of proprietary metrics that identify percent levels of viability, sustainability and economic success.

The [Y]e evaluation is transcribed into a primer that summarizes findings, critical ingredients required (e.g. strategy) and the ideal road map to your project’s success.

Per the relevant target market of each project [Y]e further quantifies the required strategy(s) or differentiators needed to impact the project and or its business objectives.

[Y]e offers 3 email follow ups., 30 minute Conference Call.



Reserve, execute NDA, submit business concept notes, plans, financials
Time: 7 Business Days
Fee: $385

[Y]s: This product offers Comprehensive 6 parameter funding evaluation, review of business concept, plan or deck

[Y]s evaluates and seeks to identity that your business concept has the minimum fundamentals needed for funding and successful.

[Y]s product closely examines your concept, product or business model through of series of proprietary metrics that identify percent levels of viability, sustainability and economic success.

The [Y]s evaluation is transcribed into a primer that summarizes findings, critical ingredients required (e.g. strategy) and the ideal road map to your project’s success.

Per the relevant target market of each project [Y]s further quantifies the required strategy(s) or differentiators needed to impact the project and or its business objectives.

[Y]s offers 6 email follow ups, 2x 30 minute Conference Call.



Reserve, execute NDA, submit business concept notes, plans, financials
Time: 10 Business Days
Fee: $500